Getting Started


The Exchange JSON-RPC is only maintained for exchanges, as the name suggests. We do not offer any support or guidance unless you are an Exchange in which case you most likely will already be in touch with us.

Installation via Yarn

1yarn global add @arkecosystem/exchange-json-rpc-cli

Usage instructions

All commands support a -h flag to show help for the specified command.

1$ exchange-json-rpc
2A JSON-RPC 2.0 specification compliant server for Exchanges to interact with the ARK Blockchain.
5 @arkecosystem/exchange-json-rpc-cli/1.0.0 darwin-x64 node-v10.16.0
8 $ exchange-json-rpc [COMMAND]
11 autocomplete display autocomplete installation instructions
12 command
13 commands list all the commands
14 help display help for exchange-json-rpc
15 log Show the log
16 restart Restart the JSON-RPC
17 run Run the JSON-RPC (without pm2)
18 start Start the JSON-RPC
19 status Show the JSON-RPC status
20 stop Stop the JSON-RPC
21 update Update the exchange-json-rpc installation


Start the JSON-RPC

1exchange-json-rpc start
Flag Description Default Required
--[no-]allowRemote allow remote connections which are filtered by a whitelist n/a No
--network= the name of the network that should be used mainnet No
--token= the name of the token that should be used ark No
--host= the host that should be used to expose the RPC No
--port= the port that should be used to expose the RPC 8008 No
--peer= the peer you want to use for communication, defaults to random network peers n/a No
--whitelist= a comma separated list of IPs that can access the RPC,::ffff: No


Restart the JSON-RPC

1exchange-json-rpc restart


Stop the JSON-RPC

1exchange-json-rpc stop
Flag Description Default Required
--kill kill the process or daemon n/a No


Run the JSON-RPC without pm2 (exits on CTRL+C)

1exchange-json-rpc run
Flag Description Default Required
--[no-]allowRemote allow remote connections which are filtered by a whitelist n/a No
--network= the name of the network that should be used mainnet No
--token= the name of the token that should be used ark No
--host= the host that should be used to expose the RPC No
--port= the port that should be used to expose the RPC 8008 No
--peer= the peer you want to use for communication, defaults to random network peers n/a No
--whitelist= a comma separated list of IPs that can access the RPC,::ffff: No


Show the JSON-RPC status

1exchange-json-rpc status


Update the JSON-RPC installation

1exchange-json-rpc update


Show the log

1exchange-json-rpc log
Flag Description Default Required
--error= only show error output n/a No
--lines= number of lines to tail 15 No


If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

Last updated 3 years ago
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