

These methods are accessible through profile.wallets() which exposes a WalletRepository instance.

Wallet Calls

Get a list of all wallets with key and value


Get the first listed wallet


Get the last listed wallet


Get a list of all wallets grouped by coin


Get a list of all wallet keys


Get a list of all wallet values


Restore a wallet using its wallet data


Find the wallet by the given ID


Find the wallet for the given address


Find the wallet for the given public key


Find all wallets that use the given coin


Find all wallets that use the given coin and network

1profile.wallets().findByCoinWithNetwork("DARK", "ark.devnet");

Find all wallets that use the given alias


Update a wallet using a given wallet Id and data

1profile.wallets().update(newWallet.id(), { alias: "My New Wallet" });

Check that a wallet contains the provided data


Forget a wallet for a given Id


Forget all wallets (Use with caution!)


Get the count of stored wallets


Return all stored wallets as a single object


Generate a new wallet

1await profile.walletFactory().generate({ ... });

Create a new wallet from an mnemonic with BIP39 derivation

1await profile.walletFactory().fromMnemonicWithBIP39({ ... });

Create a new wallet from an mnemonic with BIP44 derivation

1await profile.walletFactory().fromMnemonicWithBIP44({ ... });

Create a new wallet from an mnemonic with BIP49 derivation

1await profile.walletFactory().fromMnemonicWithBIP49({ ... });

Create a new wallet from an mnemonic with BIP84 derivation

1await profile.walletFactory().fromMnemonicWithBIP84({ ... });

Create a new wallet from an address

1await profile.walletFactory().fromAddress({ ... });

Create a new wallet from a public key

1await profile.walletFactory().fromPublicKey({ ... });

Create a new wallet from a private key

1await profile.walletFactory().fromPrivateKey({ ... });

Create a new wallet from an address and derivation path (Ledger)

1await profile.walletFactory().fromAddressWithDerivationPath({ ... });

Create a new wallet from a secret (non-BIP39 passphrase)

1await profile.walletFactory().fromSecret({ ... });

Create a new wallet from a WIF (Wallet Import Format)

1await profile.walletFactory().fromWIF({ ... });

API Calls


The following methods are accessible through profile.wallets() and provide a means of interacting with the underlying coin.

API Options

1// ClientPagination
2cursor?: string | number;
3limit?: number;
4orderBy?: string;
6// ClientTransactionsInput
7address?: string;
8addresses?: string[];
9senderId?: string;
10recipientId?: string;
11walletId?: string;
12senderPublicKey?: string;
13recipientPublicKey?: string;
14asset?: Record<string, any>;
15type?: number;
16typeGroup?: number;
18// ClientWalletsInput
19address?: string;
20addresses?: string[];
21publicKey?: string;
22username?: string;

List all transactions that a wallet has sent or received

1await wallet.transactions({ limit: 15 });

List all transactions that a wallet has sent

1await wallet.sentTransactions({ limit: 100 });

List all transactions that a wallet received

1await wallet.receivedTransactions({ });

Get information about a wallet from the network

1await wallet.wallet("D61mfSggzbvQgTUe6JhYKH2doHaqJ3Dyib");

Get a list of wallets from the network that match the given criteria

1await wallet.wallets({ ... });

Get information about a delegate from the network

1await wallet.delegate("genesis_1");

Get a list of delegates from the network that match the given criteria

1await wallet.delegates({ ... });

List all votes that a wallet cast

1await wallet.votes("034151a3ec46b5670a682b0a63394f863587d1bc97483b1b6c70eb58e7f0aed192");

List all voters that a wallet has

1await wallet.voters("genesis_1");

Broadcast all of the given transactions

1await wallet.client().broadcast([transaction, transaction, transaction]);


Create a new transfer transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signTransfer(input, options);

Create a new second signature transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signSecondSignature(input, options);

Create a new delegate registration transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signDelegateRegistration(input, options);

Create a new vote transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signVote(input, options);

Create a new multi signature transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signMultiSignature(input, options);

Create a new ipfs transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signIpfs(input, options);

Create a new multi payment transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signMultiPayment(input, options);

Create a new delegate resignation transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signDelegateResignation(input, options);

Create a new htlc lock transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signHtlcLock(input, options);

Create a new htlc claim transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signHtlcClaim(input, options);

Create a new htlc refund transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signHtlcRefund(input, options);

Create a new unlock token transaction

1await wallet.transaction().signUnlockToken(input, options);


Message options

1// MessageInput
2message: string;
3mnemonic: string;
5// SignedMessage
6message: string;
7signatory: string;
8signature: string;
9mnemonic?: string;

Sign a new message

1await wallet.message().sign(input);

Verify an existing message

1await wallet.message().verify(input);


Get the version from ledger

1await wallet.ledger().getVersion();

Get a public key from ledger

1await wallet.ledger().getPublicKey(path);

Sign a transaction with ledger

1await wallet.ledger().signTransaction(path, serializedTx);

Sign a message with ledger

1await wallet.ledger().signMessage(path, asciiMessage);


Get an explorer link for a block

1await wallet.link().block(id);

Get an explorer link for a transaction

1await wallet.link().transaction(id);

Get an explorer link for a wallet

1await wallet.link().wallet(id);
Last updated 2 years ago
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